Sitka Legacy Foundation

Sitka Legacy Foundation supports local resiliency and self-reliance, now and forever. We are committed to maintaining Sitka as a vital, progressive, and healthy place where people can live, work, raise families and retire.

To support our community, we promote individual, family and business philanthropy and provide grants to local projects and organizations. We offer a local vehicle for residents and visitors to invest their time, talent and resources in helping Sitka thrive. SLF also works to support and strengthen other local nonprofits.

Sitka is a community of people who work together to solve problems, nurture our heritage, celebrate life through spiritual, artistic, athletic, and cultural expression, and promote education and economic prosperity, all to support the well-being of residents and the land and resources that sustain us.

Sitka Legacy Foundation is building two long-term charitable endowments for our local community, an operating endowed fund and a grantmaking endowed fund. As of April 12, 2024, our fund balances total $1,035,803. Your contributions to these permanent endowments, which are professionally managed and protected by The Alaska Community Foundation, are an investment in our community and will be used to benefit Sitka residents. As our endowments grow through investment income, bequests, and continued donations, it will offer an increasingly large resource to meet local needs over time.

Your donation to the grantmaking endowment or the operating endowment of the Sitka Legacy Foundation will:

  • Support local non-profits in their missions to the lives of Sitkans in areas such as health, education, human services, arts and culture, youth and community development.
  • Leverage additional funds from the Rasmuson Foundation and The Alaska Community Foundation, which offer challenge grants to SLF to encourage local giving. Your gift helps make us eligible for matching gifts toward our grantmaking and operating endowment.
  • To donate, please click here.