Support the Sitka Legacy Foundation

Donating to the Sitka Legacy Foundation makes our community stronger. There are many different ways to give and we welcome your donation to help Sitka in a way that works best for you. All gifts are professionally managed and protected by The Alaska Community Foundation.

Sitka Legacy Fund 

This is our primary endowment. The earnings and growth from this permanent fund are used to award grants to eligible nonprofits, local government agencies and tribal organizations for projects that benefit residents of Sitka and Baranof Island. Our permanent endowment helps meet the current needs of our community, including but not limited to food and shelter, social services, education, the arts and humanities, recreation and protection of our natural resources. As our endowment grows with annual and legacy gifts, so will our ability to support and improve the quality of life in Sitka, meeting the needs of future generations.

Sitka Legacy Foundation Operating Endowment 

This permanent fund will eventually support operating expenses for Sitka Legacy Foundation. The interest and growth earned from the principal of this fund will be used for office operations, community workshops and events, marketing and outreach. We keep our administrative costs low by maintaining a virtual office, and through a grant from Rasmuson Foundation that supports our part-time staff. With your support, income from our Operating Endowment will eventually allow us to sustain our administrative expenses independently.